Each year on the first Friday after June 19th, it is Take Your Dog To Work Day. Take Your Dog To Work Day is a day in which businesses are encouraged to allow staff members to bring their canine friends to the workplace. But let’s not forget our furry feline friends as they can be great workplace companions as well. The initiative aims to show people the benefits of companion animals and to encourage people to adopt a pet.
Many studies have shown the benefits of pet ownership on health and reducing stress levels in people, but did you know that there are many positive benefits to having pets in the workplace? Benefits of pets in the workplace include;
* Reduces Stress – By just looking at pets or having a quick pat, cuddle or play can reduce stress and provide comfort.
* Encourages Teamwork and Communication -Having pets in the office can often be a catalyst for conversation and increase positive interaction between colleagues.
* Improves Employee Health – Having a dog in the office means that an employee is more likely to take a healthy mental break or exercise because they have to take their dog out to the toilet or for a walk.
* Better Work-Life Balance – Having pets at work mean that employees are not concerned about them being at home alone.
* Boosts Creativity and Production – All of the above benefits will lead to improved creativity and increased production levels in the workplace.
Here at vet-n-pet DIRECT we are all animal lovers and are lucky enough to have dog’s coming to work with staff members everyday. Most days we will have at least three dog’s at the vet-n-pet DIRECT premises for all the staff to talk to and play with. We even have the occasional visit from one of the staff members cat’s.
So if you are in a workplace that could accommodate a visit from a furry friend check and see if you could take your pet to work with you on Friday June 24th 2016 for Take Your Dog To Work Day. Why not see if you can make it a more regular thing rather than just once a year, I’m sure you, your colleagues and your pet will love it!
Until next time,